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Welcome to Jefferson Montessori Academy


JMA's admissions run on a lottery system.  Applicants will be placed on the waiting list if no openings are available for the grade level required.  If there is more than one applicant for an opening all applicants requiring the grade level with the opening will be placed into the lottery.  Siblings of a currently enrolled JMA scholar will receive priority over the general lottery.


Applicants without a sibling enrolled will be placed into the general lottery.  Our lottery is performed by our Power School Student Information System.  Families will be notified by email and a written letter of acceptance or placement back into the lottery within one week of drawing.


If you would like to apply please click the lottery form button to the right.  Please complete one application for each child you want to enter into the lottery.  Learners must be five years of age by midnight September 1st to be eligible.  We do not offer Pre-K.


Lottery forms need to be completed annually.  The lottery form will be open from February 1 to May 1.


Thank you for your consideration.  Good luck!

To request more information:

Contact the Administrative Office

Mon-Fri 8 am - 3:30 pm


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