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Esports at JMA

JMA's Esports teams were founded with the approval of the Jefferson Montessori Academy Council of Trustees.  They began holding practices and meetings in January of 2020 as part of Friday's block schedule clubs.  We joined HSEL (High School Esports League), the Nations oldest and largest esports league.  
Schools in HSEL.


E-Sports is recognized by NMAA


HSEL curriculum is accredited!  


A Parents' Guide to E-Sports


JMA's E-Athletes are held to high expectations:


We expect our e-athletes to achieve at a high level academically and to make appropriate decisions. Students may try out and participate as a team member by: 


  1. Exhibiting good conduct and behavior both in school and during practices and games.

  2. Meeting the minimum academic requirements of no “D” or “F” grades in any classes.  

  3. Avoid disciplinary action/make good decisions.

  4. Commit to being at school. 

  5. Commit to being present for practices and games.


Furthermore, HSEL has strict rules for its teams and coaches. 


New Mexico Collegiate Esports


New Mexico Tech Esports


University of New Mexico Esports


New Mexico State University Esports


Eastern New Mexico University Esports





Big Money, Bright Futures


In the 2018-2019 school year, $15M dollars in e-sports scholarships were awarded!
(click the image to view source material)

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