Jefferson Montessori Academy
Patriots - Learning Today To Lead Tomorrow!
Meeting January 16, 2025 at 6:00 pm at JMA Cafeteria or online at Meeting ID 940 5672 0598
Council meetings will be hybrid meetings with community members and public forum speakers having a choice to attend in person at 500 W. Church Street or virtually by accessing the meeting link on the school website.
The Council of Trustees holds its Regular Meetings on the third Thursday of each month at 6:00 p.m. at 500 W. Church Street in the school cafeteria.
Regular Meetings and Special Meetings of the Council are held in public but are not public forums. The Council follows a written agenda, a copy of which is available online 72 hours prior to the meeting, posted at the school, or at the meeting.
The Council sets aside in its Regular Meetings up to 30 minutes for public comment. Individuals will be allotted up to 2 minutes. If time does not permit all those wishing to speak to do so, written comments may be left with the head administrator.
Individuals wishing to speak should fill out the Request to Speak Form. Online form submission is from 8:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. on the day of the Regular meeting. Please read the document titled “How to Participate in Public Comment” in the PUBLIC COMMENTS folder (select the button to the right.) The Request to Speak Form is also available in this folder.
Seat One: Cathy Baker, Vice President
Seat Two:
Seat Three: Deanna Weston-Helmer, President
Seat Four: Christy Sisk, Secretary
Seat Five: James Sutton