Jefferson Montessori Academy
Patriots - Learning Today To Lead Tomorrow!
Our School Calendar is now LIVE!
Here are our school supply lists for 2024-2025.
Please review the new school standardized dress policy below!
Cell phones are NOT allowed on campus. Any phones found on campus will be confiscated until the end of the day. Please help us with this by having your student keep their phone at home. Thank you!
Jefferson Montessori Academy is a Carlsbad, New Mexico public charter school. We offer a FREE K-12 Montessori education to all Carlsbad area learners while proudly working within the Carlsbad Municipal Schools District.
500 West Church Street
Carlsbad NM 88220
Phone: 575.234.1703
Fax: 575.887.9391
School Hours
Kindergarten: 7:50-2:50pm
Elementary: 8:10am-3:10pm
Secondary: 8:10am-3:20pm
Tardy Bell: 8:05am
Early Out Monday
Elementary: 1:10pm
Secondary: 1:20pm